Welcome to the Shelter Area at Strandegård

You are welcome to use the shelter according to the following rules:

The shelter cannot be reserved and is only available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Only one overnight stay per visit.

Groups are not allowed.

Tents are not allowed in the shelter area.

Fires are only permitted at the designated fire pit.

Use the compost toilet and avoid using nature or the bushes as a toilet.

Clean up after yourself and leave the shelter area as you found it.

Day Visits

The shelter area is open to everyone from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM for day visits.

Overnight Stays

Registration for an overnight stay must be done upon arrival at the shelter area by SMS to mobile number 4034 5601.

Practical Information

Water can be fetched at Strandegård, Store Elmuevej 15.

If you arrive by car, you can drop off people and gear at the parking area at Feddet opposite the road to the shelter. You can park here for free for one hour. After that, the car must be moved to the parking area at Feddet Strand Resort, where there is a parking fee.

At Feddet Strand Resort, there is a shop and dining options.


The shelter and the surrounding area belongs to Strandegård, 4640 Faxe.